Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Plan to change your plans

Try as we may it's the weather that has the final say on where we end up. Tucked away in calm harbour certainly has it's appeal. Grays Harbour has plenty of things to do keep us occupied. However we are not making any miles. Looks like Thursday or Friday until we get moving again. I'm finding it a challenge to get out on Winlink, our Sailmail account on the other hand is working well.



Anonymous said...

Mother Nature always has the final say, doesn't she? If you guys ever need an extra deck hand I have several volunteers for you...
Take care all!

Love Nina and Wildan

Anonymous said...

Hello from Westcot! We have been looking, with great interest, at this site in the classroom. Sorry to hear that things got rough for you Peter! We miss Nadia in the classroom but know that she is having the experience of a lifetime! How exciting to see an albatross!

Love Mrs. Stephens (Heather) and K class)

Anonymous said...

How exciting! You are at the right place at the right time. This weekis is the peak of the shorebird migration in Grey's Harbour. Hundreds of thousands of sandpipers, dunlin, dowichers, plovers, curlews and maybe even godwits are feeding in the mudflats on their way to the Arctic. Best viewing times are just before and just after high tide. The Sandpiper trial in the Greys Harbour National Wildlife Refuge adjacent to the Hoquiam airport has superb viewing opportunities and is wheelchair accessible.

The Kits Apartment Warblers (tweet, tweet)