Thursday, May 24, 2007

San Francisco

We arrived yesterday (Wednesday) to much fanfare (on the boat) and hoopla. Sunshine, no fog and calm winds. We are staying at a marina in The Marina district. A short walk or bus ride from all the sights. There is a lot of activity all around us. Lasers and larger boats sailing in the bay, wind surfers, kite flyers, joggers etc. I spent my first full day doing maintenance. A few things have broken and need attention. I met a fellow on the docks who does a host of repair work and he helped me out
with getting a part welded. I still have a few things to do but have managed to complete most of the important work. Brenda and Nadia went to the Exploratorium, science center.
It's a pleasure to be here. I feel we really deserve it. There is a great deal of satisfaction in doing a trip like this all on your own. Making all the decisions and taking responsibility for the outcome. It has been a long trip, much much longer than I would have expected. Everyone learned a great deal. Now it's time to relax and get ready for the next leg. Whatever that may be.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And what a journey it's been so far. Now it's time for all of you to enjoy some R&R and recharge before you continue. Enjoy San Francisco. It's been a while since I've been there but I'm sure it's still full of fun things to see and do.
The posts have been a great read and the pictures are wonderful. Thank you all!

Nadia your pictures are phenomenal. I love the jellyfish in the bucket.

Take care and keep us posted

Love,Nina and Wildan

Anonymous said...

Wow! The first leg of the trip successfully completed in style! And, it only aged you one year! Happy 50th Peter! Wish we were there to celebrate together! More photo please. It is good to see everyone enjoying themselves on your southern migration.

Point Reys is a great place to visit and very close to where you are tied up. They have a bird banding station there. Watch out for poison oak though (just ask Dale about this one).

Nadia, take mom and dad to ride the cable cars.


The Kitsilano Apartment Warblers

Anonymous said...

The pics and storyline so-far are amazing... thank you for sharing!

Peter, congratulations on arriving at the big five-oh in such grand style!

all the best, from your fans in Calgary.

Anonymous said...

This is great cousin! I was totaly awestruck and happy to hear of this adventure and it's great to see and read about it, to be shared in it a bit.
What a journey you are on, not to mention the journey to 50, congratulations Peter! Nice to see you, Brenda, and that sweet daughter you have. Looking forward to visiting your blog along your way!
Best wishes to you all.
