Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Turning 50 in Bodega Bay

Pat mentioned in an email that Hitchcock filmed The Birds here at Bodega Bay. Seems like a good place as any to turn 50 in. I had a very nice day, the weather was sunny and fairly warm. We made omelets and biscuits for breakfast, went out for a great lunch (courtesy of Dale) and had Thai curry with spinach salad and key lime pie to put the candles in. Nadia's idea and creation. Mercifully there are only 5 small candles on board for celebrations, we only used four of them. It was a small but fabulous
party. I'm now the proud owner of an underwater camera system. I can't wait to get to someplace where the water is a little bit warmer. The water outside Pt, Reyes is 49F. Also many thanks to Pat and John for the magazines and $$. Nadia, Brenda and I went for a walk and flew kites. Kite and other wind sports are a big deal here. The wind never seems to stop. The Bodega Bay buoy was reporting 29G41 kts at 7 pm and we hope it will subside so we can make the final run to San Francisco.

An apology to Suelaine for dragging Dale along on such a long outing. He's been very good to us and Nadia has grown quite attached to him.



Anonymous said...

We miss you Nadia and we were so happy to see so many photos of you on your trip.

our caterpillars turned into a chrysalis. Our bean plants are big now. says Ingrid

you forgot your bowl in our classroom Nadia. we will keep it here until you return. says Ethan

we learned about farms and now we are learning about ocean animals. says Jayden

Time for us to get ready for home.
Bye for now. Love, your K class

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Peter!
Just remember...
It's niffty to be fifty!
Maybe you should tell Nadia about the time you bought the red dune buggy?
(at ½ that age)… :-)

Just looked at your logged ships position out in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.
So, also congratulations on making it to San Francisco!
Good work on the sailing down the coast, all with great skill!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nadia we are talking about crabs today. from Sarah. hi Nadia we have a new student in our clasroom. Her name is Ariel. Ingrid and Sarah hope that you are having lots of fun because we miss you.