Thursday, May 17, 2007

One of those days

"By the way" our liveaboard neighbour at Eureka Public Marina tells me "the reason no one has this slip is because they couldn't dredge it properly and the water gets a little bit low at times". We'd been in and out a couple times since arriving and the sounder indicated enough water below us. There are two large boats either side of us, so what's the problem? Nothing really unless you want to leave during a below normal low at 5:30 am and find the boat happily sitting on it's keel. It's a solid
boat but if can't even make it rock back and forth, well...
The weather is frustrating to say it mildly. It is nothing but a twisting swirl of isobars in this area. We will head for Fort Bragg/Noyo Basin about 100 miles down the coast. That will be Friday and Saturday forecasts more gales for the area.



Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda, Peter and Nadia! Wow your blog has been very interesting- and the photos are great- my husband and I were just looking at them- Mika saw them last week- glad to hear you are all well and hope you get some good weather soon so you can avoid the tropical storms in Mexico- take care out there you guys!- Teresa, Mika and family
PS- forgot to tell you I had a dream about 10 days ago that me and Gordon were sailing across the world with 1 child- couldn't tell which one of our children it was in my dream -but my dream was so scary! In my dream we kept going down waterfalls accidentally and getting caught in rapids- when I woke up I realized I must have been thinking about you guys! Don't worry, I am sure you won't encounter these scenarios in my dream! haha Take care you guys!!

Anonymous said...

hi again- gordon said i shouldn't have relayed my dream to you and certainly shouldn't have described it as "so scary"! - sorry! -i should have used the word "crazy dream" instead because don't worry nadia, you won't be finding any waterfalls and rapids in the pacific ocean- sorry nadia!

also wanted to mention that yesterday the 2 boys were playing soccer at the sentinel field- sloane and i were on the swings watching the boys when all of a sudden this huge weird looking
floating thing was high in the sky coming from the south heading north-

it was really high in the sky but it was so big and weird looking- sloane and i were trying to guess what it was-
she was saying " i think it's a big kite mommy with no
string!" and i said "i think it's a paraglider
sloane!" and then as it was right above us i saw that it was many many yellow ballons tied
together in an arch!!

and i said "oh my gosh sloane
those are the balloons from westcot's 50th birthday
celebration!!! (the gala was on thursday night and that was the big arch they used)

-they tied it up near the playground afterwards and i guess someone let it loose - i said to sloane "too bad that almost all balloons end up in the ocean making all the sea creatures sick- maybe nadia will find them on her adventure in the pacific ocean"

-ok i have said too much- good luck with your sailing guys- we hope for good weather for you and are always thinking of you out there in the beautiful pacific!!
teresa, gordon, mika, sloane and blaise