Sunday, June 3, 2007

Monterey Bay

Sorry for not returning emails. As you can tell from our position report we are sitting in Monterey Bay. An obvious unscheduled stop. However after being here for a half day we see we should have planned this, as it is great place to be. Basically what happened is I got sick. I just could not shake the sea sickness. Not just that queasy feeling but the head over the toe-rail, fish feeding variety. I could not eat and quickly found myself useless. Brenda, the super hero, was doing double duty on
all fronts. It was clear we couldn't carry on too much further especially if the weather worsened which it was potentially going to do. It would have made more sense to run in to a location further south but gales were set for the area in a day or two and I couldn't fathom the idea of having to deal with that if they came sooner. So we decided to beat backwards to Monterey. Our fearless self steering system loves to beat into the wind. I am totally pooped. The last time I was this tired we did a
canoe trip then climbed Mt. Rainier a couple of days later. Getting this trip together has been one obstacle after another. The trip itself has been far harder than I could have imagined. Instead of resting during stops there always seems to be maintenance or weather gathering or something that needs doing. The weather has made it very difficult. Even though we are a fair way south, you get out in the ocean and it is cold. The nights are miserable at best. We often boil water and fill a liter Nalgene
container to use as a hot water bottle. On top of it all I caught a bad respiratory infection prior to leaving and I've only gotten it under control in last few days. Antibiotics always give my tummy a bad time. I'm not too sure what we are going to do now. We do know we can't go off on a voyage like this unless I can perform my share of work. Maybe we could get away with it if it lasts only a few days but the trouble is the weather never seems to give us a break. For sure I need a good rest. I
would have sold the whole boat for a buck a day ago if I could just have been in port and had my stomach stop hurting. It's more expensive today (Dale). So we are all fine, Nadia has lost her first upper front tooth yesterday. She accidentally hit her knee on her mouth and out it came. It was very loose and was set to come out very soon anyway. We saw several whales of which Nadia spotted the first about 50 miles out of SF. While returning to Monterey Bay we had 10 or 15 dolphins doing the bow wave
riding and jumping show for us. That was nice of them. The water here is amazingly clear. Even at the dock the visibility is very good. Many dive charters going out every day, perhaps in a few days if I feel better maybe I'll go tag along with one of them. Even though we are not going where we planned it has been a huge adventure for us so far.


Anonymous said...

Peter, Brenda & Nadia,

Too bad about the change of direction back to Monterey Bay. We have been following your progress every day. Lots of stuff to do there. I think Dale knows of some very cool things that would be fun for everyone. Don't miss the aquarium, it is fantastic.

Give us a call when you get a chance.

Jason & Theresa (aka Kitsilano Apartment Warblers)

Anonymous said...

Hey Peter,

Jason here. I'm not sure if you've heard of these watch like relief bands, but my brother swears by them. They work on the same radial nerve concept as the elastic wrist bands, but they use electrical current. My brother gets extremely sea sick as a Marine Engineer. During long crossings in the Hardin 45, he used it with great success. You may be able to buy them in a Marine Store. Hope you try them. Cheers, Jason and Laura.

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter,

I noticed that the ebay link did not show up, so do a search for sea sickness, and it will show up. It doesn't look like West Marine has them online. Good luck, Jason and Laura.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the CAL return. I'm sure it will all work out well for you in the end. This will give you more time to learn the boat and get use to everything. I suffer from seasickness - have for all the years I've sailed offshore. I strongly suggest you give Stugeron a try. It is an over the counter med in Europe. It works like a charm for me and has no side effectives when I use it. Getting seasickness under control is key to having a good trip.

Good Luck

Paul L

Anonymous said...

Peter, Brenda, & Nadia.

I've been following your blog as well. (Great setup.)
The photos on the website look great.
Sorry to hear about the sea sickness. Hope it goes away soon.

All the best!

Stephen and Chui