We are enjoying our time here at Monterey Bay. Yesterday we watched a mother sea otter float by our boat with a baby on it's tummy. They have done a good job at getting these creatures numbers up in the area. We have a sea lion (as usual) resting close by, barking up a storm when excited. The weather is much better, I would say it is actually warm out. We will probably make another hop down the coast in a few days. We keep getting told how much warmer it is once past Point Conception. The winds are still fairly stiff off the coast, typically 15 to 30 kts (some higher). This too will diminish once past Point Conception. We're holding off making any real decisions for a few days. Once everyone has rested and is feeling better.
Peter and gang,
Here is a link for the relief band watch....just cut and paste together. $100. My brother used to use powerful anti-nausea drugs, but found this worked the best. Good luck, Jason
Hi Peter,
What worked best for me was the scopolamine patch. I think the brand name is Transderm. I wore one for the first 3 days out of Victoria until I got my sea legs. On later passages on our way to Australia, I went without anything and found that the sea sickness does go away after a few days off shore.
Best wishes,
Hi Brenda, Peter and Nadia- once again it is sooo wonderful to read your blog and get all your news and see all the beautiful photos of Nadia looking so adorable and lovely and happy. I was sorry to read about your sickness though Peter. That is a real shame, I hope you can get that under control before too long. I love your sewing machine Nadia and the projects you are making sound amazing!! Good for you nadia! (I actually saw a jr. sewing machine at Winners last week and was tempted to buy it because it looked so excellent for crafty kids. But then I thought "hmmm new shoes for the kids or buy that sewing machine?" and went with the shoes. :) Congratulations on your tooth coming out Nadia!! That is very exciting news! Did the tooth fairy fly out to your boat? Wow! Exciting Nadia! Well, take care you guys! PS: It is so exciting to see your boat position on the GPS tracker as it is heading out into the Pacific. This is VERY exciting to see! I can't wait to hear about all the amazing creatures you will see Nadia! Take care guys! Bye for now. Mika and his Mommy
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